Oil hedges – for H2’15 and the full years 2016, 2017, and 2018, ARP is hedged 100%, 85%, 62% and 59%,
respectively, for oil at an average price of approximately $78/bbl based on second quarter 2015 average
In aggregate, Atlas Resource Partners has approximately 85% projected margin hedged or fee-based through
Drilling Partnerships
ARP is a leading sponsor and manager of tax-advantaged investment partnerships, in which ARP co-invests, to
finance a portion of its natural gas, crude oil and natural gas liquids production activities.
ARP raises retail capital from individuals who are looking for tax benefits where ARP allocates to those
investors, the intangible drilling costs and they apply those tax benefits, against their ordinary income. The
partnerships generates fee-based cash flow as well as providing upfront drilling fees as ARP drills new wells in
new partnerships, and that enhances rates of return.
ARP sells partnerships in all 50 states with 50,000 active investors and 90% of investors’ investment is tax
deductible against that ordinary income.
Example – “So if you're in the 40%, or, excuse me, 50% marginal tax bracket and you make a $100,000
investment, on April 15, you receive a check back from the government of $45,000, and you have remaining
invested in the partnership $55,000 of which you'll get a cash flow stream from the wells that we drill over the
next several years that not only pays you back on the $55,000, but ultimately on the $100,000 investment and
beyond.” 6/2/15 ARP BoAML conference.
The distribution channel is AIG; ING; Lincoln Financial; MassMutual; Linsco Private Ledger, LPL;
independent broker dealers.
ARP’s upfront fees (called well construction fees) are cost plus 15%. ARP receives a reimbursement of our
G&A for every well drilled as well as a 30 plus years well service fee, and ARP receives carried interest and
acreage credit for contributing the locations. Investors end up contributing 75% of capital, receive the tax
deduction and a percentage of the production from the wells drilled.
The majority of capital comes in Q4 and capital is deployed throughout the year, but to get investors the tax
benefit required the wells must be spud by March 30th.
In 2014 ARP generated $22.6MM of margin, listed as well construction and completion in its segments, which
consist of cost plus 15% on the drilling. ARP’s administrative and oversight fees for the programs (driven by
new funds raised every year) generated $12.5MM of EBITDA in 2014. ARP also has ongoing fees from the
program, this is an annuity stream for the life of the well: administrative fees of $3MM in 2014, well service
fees of $15MM. In total for 2014, $53.1MM of EBITDA, out of total adjusted EBITDA of $285MM for 2014.